The club owns an eighteen inch Dobsonian telescope that is available to members who have been checked out on its use.
BOB ("Big Ogden Bucket") is a special telescope in several respects, not the least of which is that one of its original builders
was John Dobson who is world famous for inventing the "Dobsonian mount".
The club also owns a 10" Dobsonian telescope that is 'go-to' equipped.
A very nice pair of binoculars with a spiffy parallelogram mount is very useful for sharing with children.
Our newest addition is a celestron C-4 ( 102 mm ) refractor will be used to piggy back our 40 mm coronado
solar scope. the EQ mount will have a dual axis drive motors for tracking.
What is OAS? Are you curious about your Universe? Do you want to explore
the heavens? Have you ever been a star gazer? The members of the Ogden Astronomical Society extend an invitation to you to
join our local astronomy club.
Officers: 2006/2007 President: Mike Klein 801-390-0823 Vice President: Dustin Klein
801-309-1233 Secretary: David Dunn 801-544-7705 Treasurer: Doug Say 801-731-7324
Please visit the OTT PLANETARIUM web site on the link at the top of this page. THANK YOU DR.STACY PALEN for all you do for
the Ogden Astronomical Society.
CONTACT MIKE @801-390-0823
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